Le Cercle Français Research Opportunity

Le Cercle Français is looking for volunteers to participate in a study about French vowel pronunciation and acquisition.  Volunteering would require about 20-30 minutes of your time and would take the form of gathering audio recording samples of your voice in a sound-attenuated room on campus.  The requirements for this voluntary study are: Americans who […]

Joseph Strong, Graduate of International Studies

Currently working as an Interpreter Coordinator for the Colorado Judicial branch of government, Joseph Strong is a 2012 graduate of International Studies, having completed a minor in Chinese. Here’s what Joseph has to say about where Chinese has taken him: “My journey into Chinese language and culture started Fall semester of 2009 at CSU. At […]

Emma Kearney (Oracle, Tokyo Class of ’15)

Adding a Japanese Minor to my undergraduate studies at CSU has had a profound impact on my early career path. With a study abroad in Nagasaki and a second trip to Kagawa lead by Beeken Sensei for further credit, I became serious about a career track that could lead me to work in Japan. Graduating in 2015 with a major in Computer Information Systems opened […]